Your home may have lead-based paint hazards that pose a health risk to you and your children and we can help.

The City of Lancaster’s Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes Program, funded by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), helps qualified homeowners, landlords and renters reduce risks related to lead-based paint exposure and improve the safety and overall condition of their homes.




Upon enrollment of the program, City staff will perform an assessment to determine the types of repairs needed. If you’re a homeowner, a landlord or a tenant, you may be eligible for assistance to reduce or eliminate lead hazards in your home. Homeowners and tenants do not contribute any costs to the program. Tenants can apply; however, landlords must approve and apply for the project as well. Landlords are responsible for 10% of contract costs as well as $600 in resident relocation costs.


Lead Remediation work may include replacement of windows, doors, restoration of floorboards and removal of lead-based paint. The work will be completed within 10 days.




The Lead Hazard Control Program targets low- to moderate-income households in four census tracts south of King Street, within the City of Lancaster (including census tracts 8, 9, 10, 14, 147). The majority of houses in the area were built prior to 1940, many of which have lead-based paint hazards present. These census tracts are among the highest for children with elevated blood lead levels in the city.


Please note that applications will be processed on a first-come, first-served bases with priority given to household with children that have an Elevated Blood Lead Level (EBLL) and units occupied by children under the age of six.


Program Eligibility

– Must live within Census Tract 8, 9, 10, 14, or 147. Click here to see a map. (please note that Census track 8 was recently added)

– Home must have been built before 1978

– There must be a child under the age of six living in the house OR visiting the home at least six hours a week


Landlords & Tenants

– Landlord and Tenant must complete an application and provide documentation to confirm eligibility

– Landlord must be current on mortgage, taxes, and any financial obligations that is due to the City of Lancaster

– Landlord must have property insurance

– Total Income level of Household should not exceed income guidelines. Income for family of four should be less than $72,150.

– Landlords are required to contribute 10% of the project cost prior to the start of the remediation work and are responsible for relocating tenants during remediation



– Homeowners must complete an application and provide documentation to confirm eligibility

– Must be current on mortgage, taxes, and any financial obligations to the City of Lancaster.

– Must have Property insurance

– Total Income level of Household should not exceed income guidelines. Income for family of four should be less than $72,150.




See the Lead Hazard Control Program applications below!

To talk with someone from the City of Lancaster’s Lead Team, call 717-291-4730. 





(717) 291-4730





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Interested in working in Lead Safety?

With this project, we NEED certified professionals to help us make a Lead-safe Lancaster. Visit our Protect Your Community – Work in Lead-Safety page to learn more.

Examples of Chipping Paint

City of Lancaster Housing Investment Map

See the impact of the Lead Hazard Control Program! The map spotlights housing investments made by the City of Lancaster to support quality and affordable housing in our city. The map features the Critical Repair Program, the Lead Hazard Control Program, and HOME funds allocated toward home rehabilitation and new affordable housing.

Lead Program Registry 2020 – Current

The City of Lancaster Lead-Safe Housing Registry is provided to inform the community of housing units that have received a Lead-Safe certification through the City’s Lead Hazard Control Program from lead-based paint hazards. This is a list of housing units that have received a Lead-Safe certification at the date indicated. Other units at a given property that are not listed here may or may not be have received a Lead-Safe certification.

Lead-based paint is found in homes and apartments built before 1978. The older the building, the more likely it is to have lead-based paint. “Lead-safe” means that there were no deteriorated lead-based paint, lead-contaminated dust, and exposed lead-contaminated soil identified at the time of the lead evaluation. This does not mean the property is “lead-free” as lead-based paint or lead in the soil may remain. On-going lead safety requires the owner to safely maintain paint coatings and soil covering and to use lead-safe work practices in maintaining or repairing the unit. The City of Lancaster makes no warranties as to the current condition of the property. Normal deterioration or activities of the owner, tenant, or others may have created lead hazards since the lead evaluation date.